Risks of Anesthesia for Eye Surgery

by | Aug 14, 2018 | Healthcare

Eye surgery can be intimidating and scary if you do not know anything about the procedures. However, modern technology has progressed quite a bit to make eye surgery common and less dangerous. However, there is always an element of risk when it comes to eye surgery.

Most people are pleased with their surgery. However, like any other medical procedure, there are still risks involved.

To start with, there are many different types of eye surgery. Eye surgery is basically any type of surgery performed on or near the eyes. Surgery is typically performed by an ophthalmologist. Eye surgery can include laser eye surgery, treating retinal tears, cataract surgery to remove the cloudiness on the eye’s lens due to aging, glaucoma surgery, corneal surgery, eye muscle surgery, refractive surgery, LASIK surgery, and more.

Anesthesia is imperative since the eye has many nerves attached to it. Local anesthesia is commonly used. A topical anesthesia gel is used for quick procedures. General anesthesia is mostly used for children, major surgeries, and traumatic eye injuries.

The risks involved in eye surgery come from the anesthesia and the surgery itself.

General anesthesia has the most side effects, but it is relatively safe when it comes to risks. The side effects can be confusion, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, sore throat, and memory loss. The risks can include confusion, heart attack, pneumonia, stroke, and waking during the procedure, but these are very rare.

Local anesthesia is used to numb specific areas. Local anesthesia administered during eye surgery is short lived. This type of anesthesia is considered to be very safe. Temporary side effects can be blurred vision, headache, muscle twitching, and weakness.

Topical gels are usually rubbed on a specific site and used for very short surgeries.

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