Do You Need a Knee Replacement Surgery, Get One in Corsicana

by | Aug 27, 2020 | Health

People with persistent injuries to their legs often wonder when they may be in need of a knee replacement. This is a common procedure in Corsicana; one that is perfectly safe and can help you live your best life again. Here are a few signs that you should speak with your doctor about a replacement.

Severe Pain

Patients who experience pain so severe it interferes with their ability to lead their everyday lives are excellent candidates for this type of surgery. Severe pain is defined as being persistent and so strong that you cannot focus on or enjoy the things you once loved. People who have had to give up sports, passions, and careers should consider knee replacement surgery in Corsicana as a way to get their lives back.

Inflammation that Does Not Subside

In some cases, your knee may swell up when it is in pain and refuse to subside, even after taking anti-inflammatory medication. This is indicative of a much more serious problem within the kneecap itself. While it can be treated in some cases, a replacement is far more effective. Correcting that one issue may work for a few months, but chances are the pain is likely going to return.

Cannot Tolerate Medication

Some people cannot take pain medication. It may be too harsh for their stomach, there could be drug interactions, or they could have an allergic reaction to certain types. If this is the case with you, surgery may be the only option for pain-free living. Make sure you bring a list of the medication your body has rejected in the past with you to future appointments to prove your intolerance.

You should talk with your doctor about a knee replacement if you notice any of the criteria above. Contact Texas Pain Network to learn more.

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