How Does Orland Park Home Care Differ From Assisted Living Facilities?

by | Mar 3, 2020 | Senior Healthcare

Aging affects people in different ways. The one constant is that the body becomes more difficult to move. It could be arthritis, bad knees, chronic back pain, or difficulties with balance. Seniors wishing to remain independent often need help opening jars, holding a knife to prep food, or climbing in and out of the tub. Seniors become adept at working around these things. It doesn’t have to be like that, though.

How Home Care Differs From Assisted Living

In assisted living facilities, seniors live in their own apartments among their own belongings. They have access to the dining room if they don’t want to cook. They can attend social gatherings, get a ride to the doctor office, or just hang out if they wish.

Senior home care in Orland Park is when home health aides come to your house to help. Whatever you need most is what they’ll do. They can spend part of the day with you or stay all day according to your needs. The point is that they come to you and not the other way around.

Benefits of Home Care

Senior home care in Orland Park benefits seniors no longer able to perform every day duties. Prepping food with a knife, holding the handle of a pan, vacuuming, light housekeeping, laundry, helping enter and exit the bathtub and more are all benefits many seniors could use. Home & Hearth Care Givers will be happy to tell you more about home care. Contact us today!

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