Addiction is different for every individual afflicted. Successful recovery will be as well. Selecting the appropriate Addiction Treatment in Florida is a major component of the overall recovery process. It is essential to be fully supported and accountable in the endeavor because whichever program is chosen is going to be challenging.
How to Determine the Right Program?
General factors to take into consideration include current living environment, the number of years addiction has been present, physical and mental health at the time of entering a program, and any previous attempts at recovery. A long-term substance abuser living on the street, for example, may need more intensive treatment than an abuser at age twenty.
Mental Health
It is not uncommon for individuals who suffer from addiction to have undiagnosed mental health conditions. Many people self-medicate to relieve symptoms of depression, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other conditions. It is often that practice that leads to the addiction.
Someone who has multiple addictions, along with mental health issues, will need comprehensive services. Psychiatric assessments, consultations, family therapy, and medication management (if necessary) are provided. These services are offered along with addiction treatment.
Program Options
Some people try to recover on their own. It can be done, but the success rate is low. Outpatient treatment is available for people who have external supports, are self-motivated, and want to remain at home during recovery. Customized plans are based on gender, family relationships, work history, and substance(s) used.
Treatment is personalized and will typically include hands-on treatment at an office, educational information to bring home, and both individual and group therapy. Twelve-step meetings are also part of the plan, so meeting times are flexible during the day and evenings.
Certified Recovery Residences, like those operated by Nextep, are another option. A six-month program for Addiction Treatment in Florida is designed in four stages that begin with ninety meetings in ninety days. The structure, expectations, and a variety therapies are included to support people on their journey through early phases of recovery to independent living. Those interested in professional, supportive, and individualized treatment can Browse the website for detailed information on all programs and services.