Womens Wigs in Scottsdale for Hair Loss Due to Genetics and Alopecia Areata

by | Aug 3, 2017 | Beauty Care

Thinning hair is a common problem among women as they grow older. This can be a distressing occurrence, as the ladies feel less attractive and worry about their appearance. Expertly crafted Womens Wigs in Scottsdale provide a solution for ladies who can’t yet afford expensive hair loss treatments. Today’s wigs look more natural than ever.


Some women lose a relatively large amount of hair as they get older due to genetic factors. If a woman’s mother or grandmother had increasingly thin hair as she aged, there is a risk factor to keep in mind. Others develop an autoimmune disorder known as alopecia areata, which can cause patchy hair loss. Womens Wigs in Scottsdale help these ladies feel self-confident again.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is a skin disease that attacks hair follicles. Nearly seven million men and women in the United States alone deal with this disorder. Unlike genetic hair loss, it can happen at any age. Oddly enough, sometimes the follicles recover and the hair starts to regrow.

Recreating the Crowning Glory

For many women, hair truly is their crowning glory. Thick, lush hair signified youth and beauty, and it could make up for not being as pretty as some other gals or having as nice of a figure. When they start to lose their hair, it’s a troubling experience.

An organization such as Donte’s of New York specializes in helping people dealing with virtually any kind of hair loss. Depending on the extent of the problem, the client might want clip-on hairpieces just for the top of the head or may prefer a full wig. Extensions also are available.

New Trends in Hairpieces

Women have traditionally chosen hairpieces that look exactly like the hair they still have or have recently lost. People are becoming bolder about choosing something entirely different now, however. With so many individuals dyeing their natural hair unusual colors, women might decide on a wig that has a dramatic contrast to their own normal hair color. They might choose a style they were never able to have before because of the texture and volume of their hair.

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