It's very comforting to know that if a health emergency crops up, or someone in the family comes down with the flu when the doctor's office is closed, there are other facilities nearby that offer specialized care. Many people still think they have to go to the...
lucretia bottcher
Three Common Conditions Treated By an ENT in Bethlehem PA
Patients who have disorders of the ears, nose, and throat often require care beyond that which is provided by a primary care physician. These patients will often seek treatment by an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctor. An ENT doctor specializes in treating disorders...
Getting A Skin Care Treatment in Lehigh Valley PA
When someone has extremely dry skin, symptoms like itchiness, redness, and flakiness are sure to be a concern. There are several steps to take to try to reverse dry skin. Here are some tips to consider to help to thwart this condition. Avoid Excessive Heat Dry skin...
Explore the Benefits of Hospice Care at a Skilled Nursing Facility in Eastman, GA
If you have a family member that requires continuous care, a nursing facility can provide ease and comfort. Receiving assistance from a hospice facility offers numerous benefits. Trained professionals can help meet the physical, spiritual, and mental needs of you and...
What Should You Expect on Your First Pediatrician Visit
You have your new bundle of joy, and you are probably just starting to adjust to life with a newborn. Your baby’s first doctors appoint may be a little intimidating. You may have a lot of questions, but just getting out the door could seem complicated. Scheduling...