Shoes and their insoles are crucial, but many people overlook their importance. While many believe that shoes offer complete protection for the feet, the wrong shoes can subject them to significant shock and pressure, causing foot disorders over time. However, Custom...
lucretia bottcher
Everything You Should Know About Carotid Artery Disease
Carotid artery disease is also known as carotid artery stenosis and the term refers to the narrowing of the carotid arteries. This condition is typically caused by the buildup of cholesterol deposits and fatty substances, also known as plaque. Carotid artery occlusion...
Standard Appointments and Urgent Care: The Walk-In Clinic in Cincinnati, OHReduces the Burden on Local Emergency Rooms
The CDC estimates that patients visiting an emergency room instead of using an urgent care facility will pay over $700 more and spend approximately three hours longer in the waiting room. Each experience is different but emergency rooms are overcrowded across the...
Why Do Doctors Perform Thyroid Testing in Ephrata, PA?
The thyroid gland is responsible for regulating most of the metabolic processes of the human body. As a result, when something goes wrong, it can have a truly devastating impact on a number of systems. There are several disorders affecting the thyroid, some of which...
Why a Cancer Patient Should Considering Having a Facial in Philadelphia
People who have been diagnosed with cancer and are currently undergoing treatments may not think of a Facial in Philadelphia as being all that important. While it's true that a facial will do nothing to help with the cancer, it can do quite a bit for a patient who is...